Wednesday 12 June 2013

Life Goes on

We live our life with friends, yet we do not realize that a day will come when they will leave us.

Do you ask yourself why they will leave?

It is because life goes on!

Our loved ones take off to a different world as we cry the tears out of our glazing eyes!

But do we realize that a day will come when we suddenly forget them for a moment even though our heart and mind remain clean?

This is because life goes on!

But that girl was mine!

She was the sunshine!

Like when the glowing sun relaxes our moods, she too did the same for me!

However, now she has changed!

I realize that she was never right!

Her soul darkens the sky like as if its night!

But I wish I only knew her from before!

Life goes on but I wish her life had ended!

Tuesday 11 June 2013

An End To A Fairy Tale

The long awaited days are 
A final wish has been granted
Now, the fairy tale has to end.
Tomorrow would not be one of 
The typical days 
I will be looking forward to. 
Because time has told me to stay 
Away from you. 
Our recent moments together 
Has to become a history - 
There would still be a ` You' 
And `Me' 
But there will never be an `Us'. 
I love you ... goodbye.
`I love you'
The words you never heard
From me
Before we became `us'.
I love you 
And you should have known. 
I love you 
But I have to let you go.
`I love you' 
Are the words I still say 
Though there is 
Nothing I can do to make you stay. 
I love you enough 
To want your happiness 
Be whole. 
For I cannot hurt anymore myself. 


Monday 10 June 2013

The self and the mind

The self is the being and the being the self
The mind just a tool within oneself
The one who can tell these apart, may finally depart
The one who asks “why” will reach frightening heights
The one who wonders “how” might never see past the blinds
He who can see the illusion of time will glow bright
He who breathes the air of now will not say “I might” or have to fight
He who can take a step back and see what is about to ignite, without as much as a whispering sigh, will be happy in dark and in light

He will begin to understand why existence subsides to the human sight
The Poem About Everything

When you start a poem about everything,
Then you can start whit something about nothing,
Like that I eat Mc-D yesterday,
And that I maybe should brush my techs,
But you can also write about more important things,
Like that the state should use more money on the military and less on schools,
So that we all can keep aver lovely democracy,
Whit free cake to everybody.
So when you are riding a poem about everything,
Its good to take a break and eat some vegetables mixed whit ice cream,
And then you can take a look at the world situation,
Write a little about how all the new bad music is filling op the radio,
And how much you miss “Backstreets Boys” and “Blue”,
Then its time to tell everybody that you cant get fat,
If you only eat jelly beans and you not are addicted to them,
And then if you can’t come op whit some more to write about then you should end the poem.
And so if you are ending a poem about everything so be concentrated,
And Make sure that you have everything in the poem even candyman,
And that isn’t always easy when you are ending a poem about everything,
And I suggest that you hire Edgar A.K.A Edger Alan Poe to check the poem for you,
And when he has told you that your poem about everything sucks,
And he tells you to start all over but don’t do it tell him to piss off,
And tell him that he don’t know shit about poems,
And that is pretty much it.
So if you really are finish whit a poem about everything,
Then properly should take some time to relax,
Maybe go to an restaurant or just eat some chips,
I prefer red “Pringles” I really think that it is the best chips in the world,
But still I think that “sour cream and onion” is pretty good,
And if it not should be “Pringles” I also really like “Lays”,
But enough about chips,
Because this is the end of the poem about everything.

A Poem About Music

When I listen to music
I disapear
into a world thats unreal
my heartbeats fast
my mind feels slow
better than watching a good show
I love music

In My Dreams

In my dreams, I can do just about everything

I’m popular and famous, and have lots of money

I have super powers and can travel the world.

And, some times, for a change of pace, I’m just fighting zombies.

But no matter how wonderful a dream I have

Whether its about money or fighting the undead.

It will never compare to the dream I wake up to each morning

Lying next to me in bed.

Sunday 9 June 2013


When your mouth moves I remember
what it felt like as I rushed to flip a page
and sliced my hand on the edge of words.
Every syllable you murmur in my ear stings
salt-lick strong in tiny caustic cuts.

I am four again. I will not breathe
until you untangle me, slowly,
from you, from your own undoings
that have become the paper wrappings

around the bird-cage of my heart.

Carefree, Curious

Laughing, crying, living.

Memories of summer vacation.

Shadows on the Wall

Shadows on the wall at night

 Calling to the moon so bright.

Take us before the morning dew

And we will have our eye on you.

 When morning comes they fade away

Waiting for the night to play.
The Rose of Hope

In this new light, I see
respect, worth, opportunity;
things yearned since adolescence.
Two fishes, destined for greatness;
’cause I found a rose, in a tornado of
confusion. Untouched, unaffected;

To these whom I owe.
Forever Sleep in Peace

 I stumbled upon a love pained with so much sorrow

Only singing a symphony so lone, so depressing

Her cries of desperation went unheard for centuries it seems,

So long of a time now she wished she be forgotten

…and forever sleep in peace


a boy who holds his girl with passion

kisses her every minutes she smiles

feels her like there’s no other girl around

a boy

sincerly a girl

“Good Bye”

My love driven for you
My life given away
My eyes a frozen blue
My body layed across the cay
Your soul in torment
Your heart and mind all beat
Your thoughts all trapped under the tower of love we built
Your body destroying itself under self imposed guilt
All the lies thrown away
This goodbye is the end
It would be nice to say
That love is to keep not just to lend
My heart
Torn Apart
My soul
Has a burnt in hole
You never stop loving someone
Even when your life is done
They may make you mad
Maybe cry
But they also get sad
When you say goodbye
They never know
For how long
Time moves slow
And feels so wrong

How can you tell me you love me;
is there a way we could ever just be?
Happy and with solitude;
anxious but with attitude.
Love was never as bad as they made it;
like falling into a deep dark pit.
Then I meet you and feels like forever;
now I know why cupids so clever.
You hold me tight and say I do;
Turned my heart so warm and blue.
Love was something I used to to laugh at;
like listening to a talking cat.
It was like that but then I met you;
no its like love is really true.
I feel head over heels for him;
but then I met you.
Life has no meaning if you do not know sincerity;
like living in a life with no clarity.
Love is passion it is so sweet;
like a eating a delicious chocolate treat.
Why do people fall in love now;
like sitting in a star dazed crowd.
Love is so beautiful but why;
everythime he leaves I start to cry.
I was cold as rock and never true;

that was up until the day I met you.
Stay With Me

No need to hurry or rush or run,
Just role me over, scratch my tum,
Come sit with me, while away thine hours,
In quiet contemplation ‘neath tree and flower,

Come stay with me and stroke my fur,
Let me sooth thy worries, sooth thy cares,
I’ll purr for you and with liquid eyes,
Help you answer those important where’s and whys,

I’ll give you my love, my soul, my heart,
If today you stay, pray don’t part.
For these days I spend in idle rest,
For me to share with you makes them best,

Curled up and warm upon your lap,
Or stretched in sunbeams to quietly nap,
For you I’ll sing in the dead of night,
Loud and wailing for your fright,

I’ll bring you the labours of my catch,
And wait expectantly for you to snatch,
If you cry or if you’re down,
Just come to me, I’ll stay around,

To ease your sorrow with cuddles and purrs,
I’ll let you weep into my fur,
And when thy sorrow is well spent,
And exhaustion has, to you lent,
A fitful sleep of restless tire,
Ill snuggle close your fears to quiet.

“The Duet”

girl: I wish you were with me
boy: I wish I could be
girl: I wana hold you
boy: I wana feel your warm embrace
girl: I wana feel your lips on mine
boy: Our skin brushing past each others
girl: Your hair twirled in my fingers
boy: Your shirt wrinkled in my hands
girl: Your warm breath on my face
boy: Our tongues wrapped around one another
girl: Your blushing red cheeks when I open my eyes
boy: Your smiling face stareing into my eyes
girl: Your loving embrace wrapped around me
boy: A deep love shining between us
girl: A deeper love than any ocean
boy: And bigger than any galaxy
girl: brighter than any sun or star
boy: And it doesnt matter how far
girl: Or how long it’ll take
boy: We will always be together
girl: Forever and ever
boy: And ever and always
girl: Because your my soul mate my one true love
boy: It has to be it only makes sense
girl: I know its true
boy: I love you
girl: I love you too

My true love.
Theres no other.
He makes me fresh and new.
Theres no better.
I couldn’t ask for more.
Then the love he poors.
My heart he flatters.
With good things that matters.
Hes my best friend.
Hes my man.
Some one I’m very proud of.
Very much in love.


Attempting to pick up the pieces of this brken life

As I travel down this lonely path I find


Yet complicated pain that resides inside

I cry fr the little girl that lives in the cages of my mind

prisoned bby the scars that the past has left behind

as I reach for a hopeless vine

I ask when will she break free?

being drifted away into insanity

deafened by a soundless plea

she cries I just want to break free!

Can you see them?

they tend to follow me

every corner I turn

they’re where I seem to be

I wake up in a cold sweat

In my dreams they appear to me

nightmares is what I have

they continue to haunt me

so can you see them?

they have eyes only I can see


Left stranded for no reason

we can’t be talked to

we’d rather treason

fight for nothing

always pay for something

nations debt

secrets kept

we’re losing soldiers

in oil they’ll boil

Here in this dark room

scraching and clawing at the door

I scream but no one hears me

I cry but no one feels me

vanishing into thin air

being push over the edge

at my own dispair

I chuckle manically

I walk alone

life is just

not fair

I sob silently

no legend is left behind

nothing more than a whisper

I run away
It runs with
there’s no escaping
It’s right here with me
from the broad of day
to the dawn of night


I wear this on my chest
Like a security blanket
to protect me from my enemies
I don’t know what they’re thinking
can’t shake this feeling
of inevitable death
I will die proud
as my body hits the floor

As time goes on

I will remain strong

with every fiber of my being

I will find where I belong

climbing my way out of this hole

as these crabs in this barrel

pull me back down

I determined to rise

every time I fall

Oh what’s this

another course for this mis-fit

a hurdle to jump

no speed bumps

just a rope to get me lynched

no more chances

no enhances

just a reason to vomit this

the wrong direction

no news section

just a reason to write this shit

they’re blank stares

no one care

just my pain that no one shares

nothings fair

I’m losing hair

here, why don’t everyone just add to this

Issues that comes between friends.
Torn between friends
rumors float to no end
it’s like they;re in
a trance
It hurts
to watch a friendship
some will call it fate
I call it a strained friendship
that has suffered because of hate

Masked Demon

Like a snake

they are venomous

seaping poison into

our lives

they seem so innocent

but there is no surprised

they’re sneaky

slithering they”re way

into our minds

but we all know
Boy Crazy

Captivated by his smile

asking him about himself

putting him on trial

holding hands

looking into his eyes

hating how I feel

he makes me smile

He loves how I look

he tells me all the time

my body is soar

he rubs my back

helping me feel secure

 A nice walk in the park

I begin to visualize

after a stressful day at work

a relaxing day subsides

childrens laughter fill my heart with such joy

the screeching sound of the metal swing

the basketball slamming against the asphalt

the birds chirping in tree

I think to myself

this is going to be a relaxing day

then I’m tossed back into reality
Stranded Island

I suvived…

 Wet and cold

soft and hard

pondering thoughts

on this vacant rock

survivng off of these coconut

surounded by sea water

the sound of the water

clashing against these jagged rocks

covered in sand

as the bugs fill my hand

casting my line

to feed my rumbling stomach

thoughts of starving children runs through my mind

the thoughts in my head continue to collide

awakened by the air brushing against my face

feeling the sun razes

beauty around me fills my gaze

I’m not forcing you to stay

as a boy you want to play


my heart is no playground

you a fake

a clay that has no shape

don’t make no excuses

if you want to learn have to listen

I won’t hold you back

I won’t hold your hand

If you want to leave


be a manA

I watch it bud

as it grow…

blooming petals

never show


my eyes behold

a terrible fate

it grow

in my hands

I watch it blow

in my hear

it always glow

I see their eyes
as they cry
I fell their pain
when no one does
the horror that their souls behold
it tells a story that goes untold
going on malnourished
they have no food to eat
the sound ftheir stomach rumbling as theysleep
asked to climb this impossible feet
their only children I say to myself
as they cry their souls t death

Only for Your Eyes

you are in my mind
the song of my love,
for life, not for my life,
only for your eyes

you are in my heart
at the end of my line,
I love life, not for my life,
 only for your eyes

you are moon of my nights
look at me my mom,
I need your eyes, not for my life

a sight for sore eyes


Black nights, no knights. Very.
Dark sky, afraid to see. Sharp.
Cold wind, shiver shake. You.
Told a lie, not pretty. Not pretty.

War poem

War poem’s charm
Unlimited hidden murderous look

Have the wind out of the window
Also have you

Broken sentences
Filled with messy emptiness

XY endless pattern changes
Nothing surprising

So endless extension

All end in the dark silence
North Star

North Star shines so bright,

It leads the Shepperd’s through the night.

As I look up in the sky,

I know that it will pass right by.

For it is a once in a lifetime chance,

So don’t miss your glance.

Writing a poem comes from the heart.
Think of a topic and then just start.
Let the words trickle off your toungue.
And then onto the page.
Write what you’re feeling, don’t be AFRAID.
Write your expressions.
Just let them flow.

You have to want it to happen, and then just go!
Cloudy Day

The sky is dark and gray,
 Looks like rain over the bay,
 today is going to be a another miserable day.

My Angel

You are my angel the one from above
 the one whom I deamed about
 and all the days to come.