Monday 10 June 2013

The Poem About Everything

When you start a poem about everything,
Then you can start whit something about nothing,
Like that I eat Mc-D yesterday,
And that I maybe should brush my techs,
But you can also write about more important things,
Like that the state should use more money on the military and less on schools,
So that we all can keep aver lovely democracy,
Whit free cake to everybody.
So when you are riding a poem about everything,
Its good to take a break and eat some vegetables mixed whit ice cream,
And then you can take a look at the world situation,
Write a little about how all the new bad music is filling op the radio,
And how much you miss “Backstreets Boys” and “Blue”,
Then its time to tell everybody that you cant get fat,
If you only eat jelly beans and you not are addicted to them,
And then if you can’t come op whit some more to write about then you should end the poem.
And so if you are ending a poem about everything so be concentrated,
And Make sure that you have everything in the poem even candyman,
And that isn’t always easy when you are ending a poem about everything,
And I suggest that you hire Edgar A.K.A Edger Alan Poe to check the poem for you,
And when he has told you that your poem about everything sucks,
And he tells you to start all over but don’t do it tell him to piss off,
And tell him that he don’t know shit about poems,
And that is pretty much it.
So if you really are finish whit a poem about everything,
Then properly should take some time to relax,
Maybe go to an restaurant or just eat some chips,
I prefer red “Pringles” I really think that it is the best chips in the world,
But still I think that “sour cream and onion” is pretty good,
And if it not should be “Pringles” I also really like “Lays”,
But enough about chips,
Because this is the end of the poem about everything.

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