Sunday 9 June 2013

Stay With Me

No need to hurry or rush or run,
Just role me over, scratch my tum,
Come sit with me, while away thine hours,
In quiet contemplation ‘neath tree and flower,

Come stay with me and stroke my fur,
Let me sooth thy worries, sooth thy cares,
I’ll purr for you and with liquid eyes,
Help you answer those important where’s and whys,

I’ll give you my love, my soul, my heart,
If today you stay, pray don’t part.
For these days I spend in idle rest,
For me to share with you makes them best,

Curled up and warm upon your lap,
Or stretched in sunbeams to quietly nap,
For you I’ll sing in the dead of night,
Loud and wailing for your fright,

I’ll bring you the labours of my catch,
And wait expectantly for you to snatch,
If you cry or if you’re down,
Just come to me, I’ll stay around,

To ease your sorrow with cuddles and purrs,
I’ll let you weep into my fur,
And when thy sorrow is well spent,
And exhaustion has, to you lent,
A fitful sleep of restless tire,
Ill snuggle close your fears to quiet.

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