Sunday 9 June 2013

“The Duet”

girl: I wish you were with me
boy: I wish I could be
girl: I wana hold you
boy: I wana feel your warm embrace
girl: I wana feel your lips on mine
boy: Our skin brushing past each others
girl: Your hair twirled in my fingers
boy: Your shirt wrinkled in my hands
girl: Your warm breath on my face
boy: Our tongues wrapped around one another
girl: Your blushing red cheeks when I open my eyes
boy: Your smiling face stareing into my eyes
girl: Your loving embrace wrapped around me
boy: A deep love shining between us
girl: A deeper love than any ocean
boy: And bigger than any galaxy
girl: brighter than any sun or star
boy: And it doesnt matter how far
girl: Or how long it’ll take
boy: We will always be together
girl: Forever and ever
boy: And ever and always
girl: Because your my soul mate my one true love
boy: It has to be it only makes sense
girl: I know its true
boy: I love you
girl: I love you too

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